5 playroom hacks for Chunk™, our round play ottoman!

We love watching kids’ imaginations take off.
Watching their creativity grab hold of a storyline — an imaginary classroom, a rocketship headed to a distant planet — that’s magic.
Sometimes encouraging that magic, however… leaves a little chaos in its wake. And it can be hard to ignore the clutter and still feel that magic as a grownup.
But ever since Chunk’s arrival in the Nuggetverse, things are looking up. We’ve come not only to love this plucky foam ottoman, but to really rely on it delivering a better experience — it’s among the best playroom furniture options out there.
Our round play ottoman will not only improve your kids’ playtime — it might just improve your life. A bold claim! But one we stand behind (and sit on) — because it truly solves so many common playroom problems with its elegant design and endless uses.
Here are five playroom hacks you’re going to love — all starring the World’s First Play Ottoman™ (and the world’s best kid-friendly ottoman!) Chunk™!
1.) There’s a new play table in town.
Maybe you bought your little play table new.
Maybe you got it secondhand from a neighbor.
Maybe you’ve taken it apart, added glue to all the joints, and screwed it back together to help it weather its part-time job as a castle tower where your young royals are battling a dragon (It’s you. You’re the dragon.).
Little wood play tables are great for kids working on an art project or practicing their writing skills, but it’s probably not your favorite place in the house to sit.
If the little table is no longer doing it for you and you’re tired of sitting in those little chairs as a grownup, we’ve got an alternative: Chunk™ is an awesome play table. In fact, it’s the absolute best alternative to wooden play tables.
The puck cushions are surprisingly comfortable for grownups — and the top of the Chunk™ is perfect for play.
It’s big enough for family board games and level enough for puzzles. It also holds up great for art projects because Chunk™ Cover Sets are machine washable, and it’s really easy to spot clean the foam underneath.
As a bonus, you cannot stub your toes or bang your knees on it — because it’s made of foam! Families with younger siblings toddling around can relax and enjoy playtime instead of being on babyproofing patrol — Chunk™ has no square corners or sharp edges.
In short: Chunk™ does many of the same things as a playroom table — but it does so with the added benefits of being soft and sturdy.
2.) Make everything in your playroom washable. Even the furniture.

As a caregiver, you deserve things that work overtime for you. All our product Cover Sets are machine washable! Just remove them from the foam, zip them up, and wash them on the coldest setting, then hang to air dry.
And ICYMI, our Care page offers customized stain solutions to tons of common spills and spots, from fruit juice to crayons.
You can even double protect your foam with a Liner Set — made with non-toxic waterproof material to provide amazing protection for each piece of your play furniture. This means big messes are no biggie — and your heart won’t stop when you hear a splash and an “...Ooops.” from the next room.
Bonus — because all our products are covered in machine-washable fabrics, they’re also ideal for quick snack breaks during playtime. (For you, too!)
3.) Invest in some comfortable seating for you.

Playrooms — or the nook of the living room where the kids love to play — are for them first. (Obvs.) But a caregiver — a nana, a parent, an uncle, or a babysitter — needs a comfortable place to sit, too!
Chunk™ play ottomans offer multiple seating modes, and if you haven’t tried them… you and your rear-end are in for a treat. They’re downright delightful when you’re used to slouchy bean bag chairs, ancient futons, and those tiny chairs that come standard with kids’ play tables.
If you’ve already got cute chairs picked out for the playroom, Chunk makes a very modern ottoman coffee table option. We love that it looks chic and sleek and put-together in ottoman mode.
That brings us to Hack #4…
4.) Make redecorating as easy as possible on yourself.

You shouldn’t have to repaint the room when you’re ready for a room refresh. There’s an easier solution: Pick a gorgeous neutral paint color, then swap out your Cover Sets for new colors whenever you feel like a change (for the new season, a new season of life, or even when your kid discovers a new favorite color).
This is one of our favorite things about Chunk™ and the Nugget®; we’re always on the hunt for new trendsetting colors, so you’ll never run out of play furniture color options.
And yes, if their favorite color changes a lot — or if their favorite color is “all of them” — you can even mix and match your Chunk™ Cover Sets. Use one color on the pucks, and another for the hoop and pad.
5.) Embrace stash mode and the playroom’s most effective decluttering system.

Maybe you’ve been struggling to find a cute storage ottoman for the playroom. Why stop there, when you could have a play ottoman that totally stores itself away?
Chunk™ is an entire indoor playground that, in any other form, would take up a lot of space. But the design is genius: It comes with its own storage ottoman mode — AKA stash mode. This entire playground packs neatly away, whenever you’re done playing.
Chaos, handled.
Bonus hack time!
6.) Let’s fill that donation bin.

Because Chunk™ can do so many things — it’s a table, a storage solution, a lounge station, an attractive piece of furniture — it allows you to cycle old items out of the playroom, creating more space for play and creativity. Chunk™ was named one of TIME Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2024 for a reason, after all!
Once you’ve picked out your color and fabric, take a sweep around the room and see what things your kids (or you!) have stopped enjoying as much. Those items could go in a hand-me-down bag for the neighbors, or you could donate them to charity.
At Nugget®, we believe in toy minimalism for play maximalism. You shouldn’t need a million different playsets to enjoy open-ended, creative play. We believe that families deserve toys that are designed for peak fun, that last a long time, and that can do it all. The right building blocks offer kids a chance to grow their imaginations and elevate their play — and the Nugget® and Chunk™ are two excellent building blocks for just that.