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Avatar of individual wearing collared shirt, smiling at camera, with a name tag "Hello! I'm Spencer, Shipping and Receiving Coordinator."

In between coordinating Nuggets for delivery and preparing for another busy day on the Production floor, Spencer took a moment from his day to chat about his role as Shipping and Receiving Coordinator. Read on to learn about some of his favorite things, from Nugget colors to childhood Halloween costumes. 

Spencer, can you describe your job in a way that kids ages 1 to 101 can understand?

It’s kind of like when you’re working on an arts and crafts project. You need to gather your supplies, right? At Nugget, that includes a task list for the day so that everyone knows what they are doing. I pick the colors that we’ll be making for the day, and coordinate with our team so that they can gather the fabric to our work stations – just like picking out the paint color for your art project. Just imagine a really detailed project, with lots of beads and glitter and things that need careful attention… that’s kind of like my day-to-day. 

My job is also a bit like juggling. In addition to getting the art project ready, I also have to make sure that we have enough supplies for the next day and the day after that. So I also monitor the flow of materials that go into making Nuggets – foam, fabric, Big Orange Boxes – to ensure we have what we need any given day. I also print the shipping labels for all Nuggets and coordinate the Fedex pickups so they make it to people's front porches! Plus, add in a few other projects at the same time, because I also oversee the Pillow Pack and Cover Set areas… see why it’s like juggling?

But really, my job is all about supplies coming in, and Nuggets going out. There are just a lot of steps in between!

Spencer, bearded man with short hair, smiling at camera. Name tag illustration included, stating "Hello! I'm Spencer, Shipping and Receiving Coordinator."

What’s the best part of your job?

I love sending Nuggets to the far corners of the world, from Honolulu, Hawaii to North Pole, Alaska. It’s also just such a fun place to work. One of my favorite memories was first seeing the Butner warehouse, there was such a feeling of excitement! We also have these company-wide debates, like whether an animal cracker is a cookie or a cracker (it’s a cookie, evidently) or if creamy or crunchy peanut butter is better.

What’s your favorite Nugget color?

Atlantis – I like the double-brushed fabric. It looks different under different lights!

Favorite kids book? And toy? 

My favorite book growing up was definitely Calvin and Hobbes, and my favorite toy was my reversible flip stunt RC car. 

Little kid Spencer sitting on his mom's lap, facing camera with a big smile on his face

Did you have a favorite Halloween costume?

I was Batman for a solid decade of Halloween costumes. Pretty affordable, right? I loved the animated Batman TV show growing up, I would come home from school and watch that and Scooby Doo. This picture is with my best friend Erick, who I'm still close with today. 

Two kids dressed up as Batman, with masks and capes

What do you like to do outside of work?

Fishing, backpacking, golf, disc golf, guitar, laying in a hammock on a 60 degree day. I recently went on a backpacking trip in the Grand Tetons and that was amazing. And hard! My friends picked out the trail and we hiked a lot of miles in not that many days. This is my friend Erick, all grown up and not wearing a Batman costume!

Two adults dressed in hiking clothes, wearing hiking packs, on a trail in Grand Tetons National Park

Alright, last question for you: dream Nugget color and why?

A true teal would be a really cool color, like the Charlotte Hornets color. 

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us, Spencer! We are so lucky to have you on the team, and we appreciate all you do.