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kids playing on Nugget couch

The end of summer, and the start of the school year, is a good time for reflection at Nugget.

First, our journey started at school — college, to be exact — where co-founder David Baron dreamed of a simple, easy-to-move futon that wouldn’t be thrown away at the end of the year. And No. 2 (get it?), it was also school — fourth grade, this time — that led us to a co-founder. In her classroom, Hannah Fussell witnessed the Nugget’s creativity-unlocking powers with her students firsthand. Less than a year later, she had become an indispensable part of the Nugget team, driving our marketing to both educators and families at home, revamping our fabrics, and generally crushing it from 9-5 (and sometimes from 5-9, too).

teacher and kids unboxing the Nugget

Teacher and kids unboxing Nugget while playing

Before she was an educator in North Carolina, Hannah taught in Miami, through a program called Teach For America, or TFA. Situated within AmeriCorps and designed to target areas of greatest educational need, TFA recruits, trains and develops recent graduates and professionals to teach in low-income communities, with the aim of addressing the massive obstacles that marginalized students (particularly those of color) face.

Kids sitting on Nugget couches

“We aspire to be equal opportunity, but all across the country, where a student is born, their race, and their class affect where they end up."
- Wendy Kopp, co-founder of TFA

We’re over the moon to announce that this back-to-school season, we’re teaming up with TFA and donating a portion of all proceeds today (8/19) through Sunday (8/25) to help fund their STEM efforts. Last year, more than 5,000 TFA teachers and TFA alumni teachers were able to improve access to high-quality, equitable STEM opportunities through donations to this fund, and we’re excited to take part in 2019. 

We’re also donating Nuggets to select classrooms, like the ones pictured above in Rocky Mount, NC. Stay tuned all week to see what else we have going on, and thanks for your support! And thank an educator for all that they do!