What’s on Nugget’s Summer Reading List?
At Nugget, imagination and creativity are a serious business. And one of the best tools we’ve found to hone our imaginations and take playtime to the next level is also one of the most elementary: reading.
That’s right! Reading helps with vital brain development for kids of all ages, especially those under five years of age, while also providing a shared activity for Nuggeteers of all ages to discuss real-world experiences and issues. And who doesn’t love to curl up with a good book on their Nugget?
This summer, we’re partnering with Book Harvest, a Durham-based nonprofit organization that provides books and literacy support to children and their families, to provide all Nugget employees with free books, as well as set up a lending library at Nugget HQ. The program is available to any Nugget employee with kids in their lives spanning the ages 0-18 years old: grandkids, nieces, kids, kids that are like their own kids. We had 49 sign-ups taking advantage of the take-home program, and we’re excited to continue working with our wonderful partners over at Book Harvest throughout the summer!In honor of our new reading initiative, we asked Nugget team members to take a walk down memory lane and share their favorite books from childhood.
Big Harold and the Purple Crayon fan here! I’ve always loved the idea of drawing your imagination into existence - and the scene where he draws a bunch of different flavored pies and then eats them at a picnic was so enviable to me (still is, to be honest). - Alyssa, Workplace Experience Manager
Hershel and the Hannukah Goblins is a big time favorite. It’s an early introduction to trickery with purpose — like Lupin for 3 year olds. - David, CEO
I loved all things related to the ocean when I was a kid so A Patchwork Fish Tale was my favorite book — it's a fish that eats all these other unique fish and when he eats them he gets a patch on him that looks like the fish he ate. Spoiler alert, he eats too many (moral about greediness here) and burps and they all come back out again into the aquarium. - Leah, Director of ManufacturingAs a nanny, I read a lot of books and grew to love many of them deeply for different reasons. One I particularly like is The Rabbit Listened. My kiddos had big feelings. I loved to read this book to them to remind them that feelings are healthy and normal while letting them know that I would be there in any way they needed me to be there. - Mary, Customer Experience Associate
The Snowy Day. The pictures, the storyline, everything about it catches the childlike innocence and imagination that comes with a snow fall. And who doesn't LOVE all of the possibilities that come with fresh snow? - Molly, Chief Business Officer
Have you read a new favorite book this summer? Share your recommendations with us over on Instagram, we're always looking out for our next story!