What's the deal? Our POV on Nugget discount codes

If you’ve ever scoured the internet for a Nugget couch discount code, or reached out to ask us when we were having our next big Nugget sale, you’re not alone.
We often get questions about our product pricing, and as always, we want to honor the customers who support our business with clear, straightforward answers.
So, where does Nugget stand with regards to promotion and discounting?
We generally maintain consistent pricing on our play furniture all year round, and we don’t typically offer Nugget promo codes, discount codes, or coupons.
On the rare occasions when we do introduce special or limited pricing, we keep it narrow in scope and make it equally available to all customers.
- We aim to make pricing fair for everyone to ensure a positive experience
- We pay all members of our team a living wage
- We use the very best materials
- We want a consistent and healthy business that we can maintain (and grow!) for a long time.
Read more below — or Shop Now, if you've learned all you needed to know!

Nugget aims to treat all customers fairly.
We know it’s frustrating to invest in a product only to find a 20% off sale the very next week, so we minimize changes to maximize fairness. While there are different prices on our site for different products and materials, we do our best to maintain consistent pricing and ensure all our customers are treated fairly.
Nugget prioritizes a competitive wage for our Production Team.
We believe in fair compensation for all Nugget staff members, both in support of their individual livelihoods and the overall quality of life in our local community.
Keeping a standard pricing strategy allows this higher wage to be safely built into our margin, without fear of hurting our long-term prospects as a company.

Nugget maintains a commitment to high-quality materials.
Calling our products “Certified Nuggety™” means using the best materials possible at all times, and regularly changing our price point would make it challenging to keep that consistency of product quality over time. Maintaining consistent price points also empowers us to act as better partners to our suppliers in N.C. and around the world.
Nugget wants a healthy long-term business.
We want to be fostering creativity and growing imaginations for years to come, and one way we can do that is to not make things more complicated than they have to be.
Behind every flash, catch-it-while-you-can sale — whether that’s for a Nugget couch dupe or a cute sweater — is an accountant (or two, or three) re-calculating how many products need to be sold by the end of the year. And those accountants are probably always looking for ways to cut other costs — on wages, benefits, or quality materials.
We’re committed to not playing that game. When we keep our pricing as consistent as possible, we make life simpler and more reliable for our customers, and also for ourselves. And that means we can spend more time on big ideas, and less time crunching numbers.

We also want the world of Nugget to be as accessible as possible.
It’s important to us that kids of all backgrounds get the opportunity to experience the world of Nugget play furniture. Our policies and pricing allow us to make ongoing contributions to our community partners, and to donate our play furniture to places where kids of all backgrounds can have access to our products, like public schools and libraries. Our approach to pricing allows us to work long-term to make our products as accessible as possible for as many kids as possible.
Wondering about exceptions to Nugget's no-discount philosophy?
Occasionally, we offer small shop credits to customers who participate in social media promotions or giveaways. Or, we may introduce special or limited pricing — such as when we introduce a new product, like we did with the Chunk play ottoman.
If we do offer special pricing, we keep it narrow in scope and make it equally available to all customers to ensure that the pricing is still aligned with all of our company goals and values. This means that we don’t offer any Nugget promo codes for first-time customers, coupons for signing up for our newsletter, or discounts based on profession.
These policies allow the Nugget team to focus on what we do best: building furniture For Growing Imaginations™.
So what are you waiting for? Whether it's a holiday weekend, or just any ol' day of the year, we've got a sweet deal for you: play furniture at regular prices! Shop now.