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Stack of Nugget Cover Sets in various colors

In March of 2020, we started Nugget Cover Club to support organizations doing important and impactful work in our local area, the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill region known as the Triangle. The concept is simple: Nuggeteers enter a contest (purchasing as many entries as they like) to win rare, coveted Cover Sets, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting non-profit organizations doing the work to make our communities stronger and kids’ futures brighter.

To date, Cover Club has partnered with Student U, You Can Vote, No Kid Hungry, and Equity Before Birth, raising a total of $242,000 for these partner organizations. We’ve also started following up with our Cover Club partners throughout the year so we can learn more about our impact — you can read the first of those check-ins, with You Can Vote NC, here!Today, we’re proud to announce our Cover Club partnership with TABLE, an organization with over a decade of experience feeding kids in Orange County, NC. They deliver healthy food and nutrition education to children, historically through partnerships with local schools, and now, with COVID-related school closures, through direct delivery to their families. While the pandemic required a good bit of change to their distribution model, they’ve taken the changes in stride, distributing 370,491 meals and snacks since March 2020! In Orange County, where 15.5% of kids struggle with food insecurity, these numbers make a real difference for so many children who otherwise go without.

Want to get involved, and maybe win a beautiful cover set in the process? Our latest installment of Nugget Cover Club starts today, and runs through June 8th, with the winners announced on the morning of June 9th. Learn more about TABLE on their site, and stay tuned for more information on our blog and social!